SHINKA 進化: Evolution, to step up
For over 10 years, we have delighted Stockholm and created a wider and deeper understanding for authentic Japanese cooking, but there is still so much to show, cook and experience. We fight a daily battle against misunderstandings and prejudices about Japanese cuisine. Like, what’s the deal with pouring soy sauce on well made dishes and completely ruin the flavor balance? And well-made sushi pieces swimming in soy sauce… And expecting a bowl of rice bowl or miso soup with any dishes? Just… please don’t. These are customs that have been established in not so authentic Japanese restaurants over the years with no harm intended, but now it’s time to eat Japanese in a true Japanese way. I promise you, it will be worth it.
I’m proud to announce the next step in our quest to serve you the best possible Japanese food experience:

AUTHENTIC 伝統 (Dentou)
We will present new exciting dishes for you, periodically, based on traditional Japanese cooking traditions and ingredients in season.
AS LOCAL AS CAN BE 地消地産 (Chishou Chisan)
In Japan, each region has developed its own style and flavors depending on available foodstuffs and traditions enjoyed by the locals. B.L.Y is a Japanese Izakaya in Stockholm, so naturally we are constantly experimenting with Japanese cooking methods on locally grown ingredients for sustainable and super tasty dishes.

NO BULLSHIT 誠実 (Seijitsu)
At B.L.Y we don’t use prefabricated foodstuffs or second rate ingredients, Never have, never will.
TRUE IZAKAYA 本格 (Honkaku)
An Izakaya is a place for great food and drinks where you and your friends relax and have a good time. We are proud to call ourselves the most authentic Izakaya in town and we will keep improving the atmosphere and feeling to make you feel as comfortable as possible.
Tom Ishidori, Executive Chef and founder of Blue Light Yokohama
The most important part of a Japanese recipe is the cooking method. These are the five main methods that we use at Blue Light Yokohama to draw out the goodness from the raw materials. Some of the methods take quite a while to master, but don’t be afraid of trying it at home. If you set your mind to it, you can be a Master Fryer in only five years!
Agemono – fried
The temperature and length of frying is adjusted to the ingredient and the batters. The most important thing is to keep the natural flavours of the ingredients. That’s why the frying time is much shorter than in western style frying. We only use light vegetable oil.
Mushimono – steamed
Steaming maintains more of the nutritions in the ingredients and brings out natural flavours like nothing else. We sometimes combine steaming with other cooking methods, to reduce fat before grilling for instance. You can steam practically anything, but we prefer to steam tender ingredients that need to taste as natural as possible.
Namamono – raw, lightly seared and boiled
Naturally, food that is to be eaten raw needs to be as fresh as possible when served. We pride ourselves in keeping track on origins, distribution conditions and transport lenghts of all ingredients served at our Izakaya and Bento Stations. That makes it easier for us to decide how to preserve the freshness until the food is served.
Nimono – simmered Simmering is just like the game Master
Mind, it takes a minute to learn but a life time to master. The broth, dashi, is the single most important element in Japanese cooking, and when it comes to simmering, it is equally important as the quality of the ingredient you are about to cook. The main ingredients in a dashi is konbu or seaweed and katsuobushi, dried and smoked flakes of skipjack tuna. But the amount of knowledge required to create the perfect dashi is staggering. We at Blue Light Yokohama humbly believe that we have come a long way with our dashi and that you will be very pleased with it. But in about fifteen to twenty years it will be perfect. Maybe. The starting rules if you want to make your own dashi is never let it boil and a basic knowledge of in which order to add ingredients and flavours.
Yakimono – grilled and pan fried
According to tradition, it takes only three years to be a be a master at yakimono. That’s two years less than becoming a deep fry champion! We preserve the goodness and flavour on the inside and make the outside crisp and delicious by grilling in high heat over open fire for a short time. Sometimes a bit of burn mark is added for flavours and colour.